JUS XIX toc header

JUS Volume XXIII (2022) now available online!

We are pleased to inform you that Volume XXIII (2022) of the Journal of Unification Studies is now available online!

You may also consider becoming a regular subscriber and purchase a paperback copy now.

JUS XIX toc header
In Larger Freedom for a Safer World: A Unificationist Evaluation of Human Security Laurent Ladouce and Carolyn Handschin-Moser 1
Embedded Peace in an Ethnic-Conflict Narrative: The Quaker Vision Badri Prasad Pokharel 37
Substantive Peace – The Creator and Creations of Heart Carol Pobanz 51
Uncovering the Goodness of God through the Parable of the Vineyard Workers Mika Deshotel 61

The Divine Feminine in the Parable of the Lost Coin

Natasha Phillips 71
Ontological Significance of ‘God as Heavenly Parent’ Katsumi Kambashi
From Korea with Love: Assembling a Chronology of Sun Myung Moon and Hak Ja Han Moon’s Activities in the United States Michael L. Mickler 103

Printed copies of the JUS, past and current issues, are available for purchase from the Unification Theological Seminary, 30 Seminary Drive, Barrytown, NY 12507 at $17.50 domestic, $25.00 for institutions and overseas orders. Please make checks payable to the Unification Theological Seminary.

For questions about purchases and subscriptions, please contact Mrs. Ute Delaney.