Journal of Unification Studies
Volume: XXIV 2023
The Volume XXIV (2023) of the Journal of Unification Studies is available online!
Celebrating 25 Years of the Good Friday Agreement
Colm Ó Cionnaith
The “Post-Protestant Thesis”: The Decline of Cultural Consensus and Path to Its Recovery
James B. Edgerly
A Note on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Pacifism
Susan Bouachri
A World of Structures: Critical Examination and Theorization under Unification Thought
Janic Aguirre Fukuno
Divorce in the Unificationist Faith Community
Sungmi Holdhus
A Rejoinder to Dr. Bebis
Theodore Shimmyo

The Journal of Unification Studies are no longer published and are unavailable in print.
The articles can be accessed exclusively through the website:
ISSN: 1097-1769
“The Journal promotes dialogue and understanding by presenting papers from diverse viewpoints that engage Unification theology and practice”
Dr. Andrew Wilson
Editor in Chief
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in Abdelmoumin Ahmed (UTS ‘09) has served as the Secretary General of UPF in Sudan. He has translated the Divine Principle, Abdelmoumin I., Ahmed, and the Cheon Seong Gyeong into Arabic. His latest book, Ecumenism and Interfaith, interprets the Divine Principle in the context of Islam., published in both Arabic and English, Unification Thought, United Visions (2009)