Current Issue
A Transformative Approach to Conflict and Violence
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 1 – 16 Since human beings have always waged conflicts, they have also always engaged in different ways to resolve them. Every society has settled violence using a variety of practices such arbitration, conciliation, retorsion, and reprisal. Those approaches sometimes end a conflict but do not…
Celebrating 25 Years of the Good Friday Agreement
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 17 – 30 It is hard to believe standing here in Belfast in 2023 that one can talk about Northern Ireland in post-conflict terms, given that for a half my life this was a virtual war zone, being consumed with the euphemistically titled “Troubles” from 1968-1993…
The “Post-Protestant Thesis”: The Decline of Cultural Consensus and Path to Its Recovery
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 31 – 46 The “Post-Protestant Thesis,” which is widely held or at least not seriously challenged by scholars of U.S. religious history, provides illuminating insight into the contemporary spiritual culture of our country. The thesis is that from the 1960’s a deep-down, fundamental change has occurred…
A Note on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Pacifism
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 47 – 52 I approached Bonhoeffer as a recreational reader via Eric Metaxas’ respectfully written biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy, followed by Bonhoeffer’s best-known work, The Cost of Discipleship. It is sometimes claimed that Bonhoeffer renounced his former pacifism in the face of Nazi Germany.…
A World of Structures: Critical Examination and Theorization under Unification Thought
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 53 – 77 One would be mistaken if they believe there exists nothing that mediates the relationship between the subject and the subject’s God. Between the subject and his God is structure, the socially produced interlocking systems in which the subject exists. Subjects—unique beings with agency…
Divorce in the Unificationist Faith Community
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 79 – 104 This study investigates the impact of divorce on members of the Unificationist faith community. It is the first study of its kind at the Unification Theological Seminary, now HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership, and the only article, study, or…
The Unification Doctrine of the Fall and the Writings of Irenaeus of Lyon
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 105-109 Theodore T. Shimmyo’s article “The Unification Doctrine of the Fall”[1] presents the Unification position on the subject analytically, distinguishing between the doctrine of Adam’s Fall and the doctrine of Original Sin proper. Shimmyo mentions Augustine and other Christian thinkers whose understanding of the Original sin…
A Rejoinder to Dr. Bebis
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 24, 2023 – Pages 111-115 Vassilios Bebis, who serves as a Chaplain at Harvard University (Cambridge, MA) and Professor of Eastern Orthodox and Ecumenical Theology at Graduate Theological Foundation (Sarasota, FL),kindly wrote a “supplementary note” on my article, “The Unification Doctrine of the Fall,” published in Journal of Unification Studies…