Fefferman, Dan
Fefferman, Dan
Mr. Fefferman currently serves as the president of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom (www.religiousfreedom.com), which advocates for religious freedom and human rights. Previously he was secretary-general of the Freedom Leadership Foundation, served as national president of the Collegiate Association for Research of Principles (CARP) and executive editor of its publication World Student Times, publications director for the American Freedom Coalition, and publisher of Currents, an independent journal of Unificationist Thought. A graduate of the UTS divinity class of 1986, he is also the author of several popular Unificationist songs.
Forced Conversions of Unificationists in Japan: A Continuing Human Rights Violation
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 13, 2012 – Pages 21-32 The issue of forced conversion (“deprogramming”) in Japan was last addressed in the Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 5, 2003 by Chris Antal. Since that time, several developments have given reason for increased optimism. Although court cases have not always favored the cause of religious…