Hendricks, Tyler O.
Dr. Tyler Hendricks served as president of the Unification Church of America from 1995 to 2000 and as president of the Unification Theological Seminary from 2000 to 2010. He is the author of the True Family Values Ministry curriculum and Family, Church, Community, Kingdom, and co-author with Dr. Robert Kittel of Four Family Loves. He was senior editor of the second Cheon Seong Gyeong, Pyeong Hwa Gyeong, and Chambumo Gyeong, teacher of “The Path to Happiness” video series on Divine Principle, and Director of the True Parents Way website. He recently moved to Korea to work directly under Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon.
The Unification Movement Today in Light of the Parallels of History
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 20, 2019 – Pages 133-162 If you carefully examine the progress of human history, you will undoubtedly discover God’s resolve and the fingerprints He left as He tirelessly worked behind the scenes.
Evangelical Mission, Congregational Polity
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 14, 2013 – Pages 23-50 This article is about growing the number of active members in the Unification Church. It is based on the assumption that church growth has regular causes that can be discerned by examining churches that are growing. The corollary is that church decline also has regular…
The Godly Form of Household Government, and Its Demise
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 65-90 Reverend Moon’s ruling paradigm, in my view, is that of a relational God who lives for love and whose nature is encapsulated in the three-generational family. These families in which God dwells will form perfect societies and nations in a world of peace. But everyone these…
BOOK REVIEW: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, Version 4.0, by Gordon Anderson
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 227-235 Gordon L. Anderson has written a brilliant book about how society should be organized to maximize life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. He says that the American Constitution, Version 3.0, which built upon the foundations of Rome’s Twelve Tables (Version 2.0) and Babylon’s Code of…
Ordination and the Unification Tradition
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 10, 2009 – Pages 1-32 Every year in the UTS graduation ceremony, I recite the words: “I grant you this degree with all the rights and privileges thereunto appertaining.” No one has ever asked me, “What exactly are those rights and privileges that I have earned through this degree?” If…
An Interfaith Movement and Its Seminary
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 8, 2007 – Pages 1-24 At its October 8, 2006, Retreat, the Board of Trustees of UTS stated with one voice that the primary mission of the school is inter-religious peace building. “UTS’s founding vision was to bring about inter-religious harmony,” said Trustee Allen Ostroff. “This vision is a rich…
Shopping in Cheon Il Guk: Economics in the Unificationist Ideal World
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 7, 2006 – Pages 51-68 The Divine Principle is in part of work of prophecy. The section entitled, “Religious Reforms and Political and Industrial Revolutions since the Renaissance” (364-65)[1] foretells the appearance of the ideal world as it appears out of the environment of the present-day world. It discusses the…
Unification Politics in Theory and Practice
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 6, 2004-2005 – Pages 61-84 As he introduced the Reverend Sun Myung Moon on a national speaking tour in October 2004, George Augustus Stallings, leader of the American Clergy Leadership Conference, called for the formation of a “religious democratic party.” While this announcement came late in his ministry, Reverend Moon…
Church Growth through Start-Ups and Satellites
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 5, 2003 – Pages 17-42 The primary theological text of the Unification Church, the Divine Principle, sets forth dual prophecies about the future of Christianity. On the one hand, it states that Christianity is dying. On the other hand, it teaches that Christianity is the central religion that will create…
Unificationism in America: Models of Success
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 3, 1999-2000 – Pages 57-72 “If you have been in the Unification Church for decades and you do not have any spiritual children, then you are parasites, robbers!” Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 1994.5.10 If the Unification Family Church cannot grow in membership, enabling members to gain spiritual children, then it…