Isaacs, Mark D.
The Rev. Mark D. Isaacs, D.Min., Th.D., Ph.D., is a called and ordained Lutheran pastor and the author of Centennial Rumination on Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” (2005) and THE END? Textual Criticism and Apocalyptic Speculation in Johann Albrecht Bengel: Lessons to be Learned from the Godly Scholar Who Calculated the Second Coming of Jesus Christ as June 18, 1836 (2009), from which this paper was derived. He serves UTS as Assistant Professor of Ministry and Management.
The End-Time Calculation of Johann Albrecht Bengel
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 137-166 Recently, “The End” has been on the minds of many people. According to various New Age prognosticators, the Mayan Long Count Calendar indicates that “the End” will occur on December 21, 2012. Mayan culture flourished during “the Classic Period (from about 250 A.D. until around 900…
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Quest for an Interface between Science and Religion
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 10, 2009 – Pages 141-172 “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: how does one classify him?” -Philip Hefner[1] “Find God in all things.” -Dictum of St. Ignatius of Loyola (1491-1556)[2] Several years ago while attending a meeting of the Dutchess County Clergy Association, there was a speaker from Fordham University and St.…
Blessed are the Peacemakers: Albert Schweitzer as Exemplar
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 9, 2008 – Pages 119-142 What is a peace-maker? What is a peace-builder? What does a “peacemaker” look like? Whatever these concepts might mean to an array of individual thinkers and theologians, we can probably all agree that peace-building and peace-making are saintly activities. For nearly two thousand years, in…