Scheuch, Erwin
Prof. Dr. Erwin Scheuch is the former President of the German Sociological Association; former President of the Association of Sociological Research Institutes; former President of the International Institute of Sociology; former Executive of the International Sociological Association; Founder of “Bund Freiheit der Wissenschaften” (Federation for Freedom of the Sciences); board member of the Social Affairs Unit (England); former Director of the Central Archive for Empirical Social Research in Cologne (Germany); President of the Cologne Association for Social Research; President of the German Association for Communications Research.
In Larger Freedome for a Safer World: A Unificationist Evaluation of Human Security
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 1-36 Peace studies are gaining ground worldwide. Yet, these studies often stop at conflict resolution or conflict transformation. We need more “positive peace studies.” We keep viewing peace as pacification, the return of tranquility after a period of conflict. Heraclitus, the founder of dialectics said that…