Wilson, Andrew
Dr. Andrew Wilson is Professor of Biblical Studies at Unification Theological Seminary. His publications include World Scripture: A Comparative Anthology of Sacred Texts (1991), World Scripture and the Teachings of Sun Myung Moon (2007), and True Family Values (1996).
Research into the Ontology of Spirit World and Spirit Persons in Unification Thought
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 5, 2003 – Pages 145-174 This paper is written in response to Reverend Moon’s call for a chapter on the spirit world in future texts of Unification Thought.[1] The spirit world is not simply a copy of the earthly world. Data gleaned from spiritual testimonies describes it as a world…
Seminar on Unification Thought (Editor’s Preface)
This issue of the Journal of Unification Studies presents papers from the Research Institute for the Unification of World Thought’s second Seminar on Unification Thought, which was held on the campus of the University of Bridgeport on August 18, 2001. Nearly a dozen Unificationist scholars, drawn mainly from the University of Bridgeport and the Unification…
Knowledge of God? A Critique and Proposal for Epistemology in Unification Thought
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 4, 2001-2002 – Pages 33-42 The chapter on Epistemology is one of the less developed chapters in Essentials of Unification Thought and in Dr. Lee’s earthly corpus of philosophy. Unlike most other chapters that present the Unification perspective outright, it begins with an overview of traditional epistemologies, and then tries…
40th Anniversary Forum: The Unification Church in America
Forty years have passed since the first Unification missionaries landed on American soil: Dr. Young Oon Kim on January 4, 1959, David S.C. Kim on September 18, 1959, and Col. Bo Hi Pak on March 14, 1961. The movement that these notable Korean elders planted in America has grown and developed, recording notable accomplishments and…
Visions of the Spirit World: Sang-hun Lee’s Life in the Spirit World and on Earth Compared with Other Spiritualists’ Accounts
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 2, 1998 – Pages 123-148 Publication of Dr. Sang-hun Lee’s messages from the other side, Life in the Spirit World and on Earth,[1] comes at a moment when the salvation of the spirit world is at the forefront of Rev. Moon’s concern. Each stage of the Blessing of 360 million…
BOOK REVIEW: God’s Secret Formula: Deciphering the Riddle of the Universe and the Prime Number Code. By Peter Plichta. Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1997.
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 1, 1997 – Pages 136-139 I was introduced to Peter Plichta several years ago, while I was working with Franz Fiege at the International Religious Foundation. Dr. Plichta had some revolutionary new ideas about science, and especially about how numbers, like 3 and 4, were at the center of reality.…
BOOK REVIEW: The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History. By Rodney Stark. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996.
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 1, 1997 – Pages 131-136 How often, in refuting the cult animus attached to the Unification Church, have we argued, “Look, early Christianity was a cult.” It is a seemingly obvious statement, yet few church historians have taken it seriously. It has been commonplace to regard the growth of new…
From the Editor
Welcome to the first issue of the Journal of Unification Studies. The launching of this publication realizes a long-sought dream of the faculty at the Unification Theological Seminary, to provide a journal which can be a forum for investigations into Unification theology, philosophy and practice. It also marks a new level of maturity for the…