What is the Matter? Understandings of Matter in Unification Thought and Modern Physics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 6, 2004-2005 – Pages 143-160 In any given age, the understanding of matter and material beings underpins the thought of that age. This is because our fundamental categories for understanding existence derive from our view of matter. Ontology has therefore been an important branch of philosophy, and hence in Unification…
Unification Thought’s Methodology and the Dual Characteristics
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 5, 2003 – Pages 81-92 Unification Thought, as developed by Dr. Sang Hun Lee, differs from the Divine Principle in several ways. One of the more significant ways relates to its underlying principles of development. The Divine Principle organizes the basic content of Rev. Moon’s thought and then lays it…
An Exploration of Questions in the Ontology of Unification Thought
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 4, 2001-2002 – Pages 43-56 The English translations of Unification Thought have a quality that is reminiscent of St. Augustine’s writings. Augustine’s writings have been of particular influence in Christianity, but at the same time have sparked centuries of debate. This is because of a certain quality of his writing…