Substantive Peace – The Creator and Creations of Heart
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 23, 2022 – Pages 51-60 Unification Thought (UT) is a theory. It is the systematic thought of the great thinker and teacher Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who through extensive study and observation of the created world has been able to uncover the original nature of God, humankind and the original…
Multidimensional Reality
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 17, 2016 – Pages 177-194 One of the most fascinating and extraordinary developments in our time is the continuing revelation of the multidimensional nature of the human soul, or alternatively, the multidimensional nature of the cosmos as structured through infinitely creative human consciousness. For long ages human beings never suspected…
Dimensional Translation: Travel in the Spirit World
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 15, 2014 – Pages 159-191 Why don’t human beings, who are the lords of all creation, have wings? Is it enough that people live limited to the earth? Actually we have higher-dimensional wings. Once you die and shed your physical body, you will fly. —Sun Myung Moon[1] [A]ngels and spirits……
Depossession Healing: A Comparison of William Baldwin’s “Spirit Releasement Therapy” and Dae Mo Nim’s Ancestor Liberation
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 9, 2008 – Pages 143-162 Dr. Shakuntala Modi, who developed her own depossession techniques, gives the following description of one of her clinical sessions with a hypnotized patient named Dave: As Dave looked, he was surprised to see that he had many layers of these spirits still left in…