Theodore T.
How a God of Omnipotence and Perfection Can Suffer: A Perspective from Unification Theism
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 13, 2012 – Pages 33-72 Christianity has long taught as an axiom that God is omnipotent and perfect, and therefore cannot suffer, even though one finds that the Bible, especially the Old Testament in its account of the Exodus, Hebrew prophecy, etc., gives many indications that God suffers. Many scholars…
The Unification Doctrine of the Atonement
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 12, 2011 – Pages 11-40 In Christian theology the atonement is the work of Christ, which is usually considered to be done through his death on the cross. The English word “atonement,” derived from “at-one-ment,” was coined by William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) to correspond to the Greek word καταλλαγη (meaning…
Faith and Reason: A Unificationist View
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 3, 1999-2000 – Pages 73-84 Faith and reason are often juxtaposed as two different ways of cognizing the truth of God in the Christian tradition. The problem, however, is that there has been no authoritatively definitive description of the relationship between faith and reason in that tradition. Different theologies have…
The Unification Doctrine of the Trinity
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 2, 1998 – Pages 1-18 The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most difficult and mysterious Christian doctrines. For one thing, the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible. Although the New Testament many times refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit together as…