The Unification Doctrine of the Atonement
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 12, 2011 – Pages 11-40 In Christian theology the atonement is the work of Christ, which is usually considered to be done through his death on the cross. The English word “atonement,” derived from “at-one-ment,” was coined by William Tyndale (c. 1494-1536) to correspond to the Greek word καταλλαγη (meaning…
Heavenly Mother
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 10, 2009 – Pages 73-104 Externally God resembles men and internally S/he resembles women. While God is strong, all-knowing, and omnipotent, S/he also has a merciful heart that can embroider flowers on Buddha’s smile. S/he should also have a heart like that of the most feminine woman. Only then will…
The Da Vinci Code and Divine Principle
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 6, 2004-2005 – Pages 1-22 The Da Vinci Code, a “theological thriller” which purports to uncover hidden truths about Christ embedded in Leonardo Da Vinci’s paintings, has been a publishing phenomenon since its release in March 2003. It debuted atop the New York Times best-seller list, sparked a November 2003…
What Can the Black Church and Black Theology Contribute to the Unification Movement and Unification Theology?
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 6, 2004-2005 – Pages 119-124 What can the Black Church and Black Theology contribute to the Unification movement and Unification theology? To attempt to grapple with this question with any degree of resourcefulness presupposes, on the one hand, that the Black Church and Black Theology possess certain religious and socio-cultural…
A Reflection on Unification Thought, Evil, and Theodicy
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 4, 2001-2002 – Pages 73-86 The question of evil’s origin remains a fundamental philosophical dilemma. Along with Exposition of the Divine Principle’s chapter on the Human Fall, the Essentials of Unification Thought[1] chapter on history and End of Communism’s analysis of Alienation[2] offer especially profound insight into the nature and…
The Unification Doctrine of the Trinity
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 2, 1998 – Pages 1-18 The doctrine of the Trinity is one of the most difficult and mysterious Christian doctrines. For one thing, the word “trinity” is not found in the Bible. Although the New Testament many times refers to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit together as…
Theological Witch-Hunt: The NCC Critique of the Unification Church
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 1, 1997 – Pages 23-42 On June 21, 1977, the Commission on Faith and Order of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (the NCC) released to the press and other interested persons a “Critique of the Theology of the Unification Church as Set Forth in Divine…