New Religions, Cult Experts, and the Media
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 22, 2021 – Pages 117-132 For nearly half a century, tensions have existed between New Religious Movements (NRMs) and what is referred to as the Anti-Cult Movement (ACM). In the United States Court systems, the NRMs have prevailed in terms of stopping most deprogramming activity. It is now illegal and…
A Diagnostic that America Does Not Need
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 21, 2020 – Pages 1-22 Let us open here by a recollection and reflection on deprogramming, its perpetrators, apologists, and “useful idiots,” i.e., the mainstream media. “Deprogramming” constitutes a jolting, unsolicited, and demeaning assault on the faith of a believer, an experience that many of the early American followers of…
Unification Thought’s Insights into Gandhi’s Approach to Peace
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 13, 2012 – Pages 113-138 The word “Peace” has two levels of meaning in the Unification lexicon. In the Unification Thought view of history, one finds the Unification laws or principles of creation as well as the Unification laws or principles of restoration. When “peace” is understood in the context…
The International Peace Highway: Reflections on its Role for World Peace
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 11, 2010 – Pages 199-210 The construction of a bridge and tunnel complex that would connect Russia and the United States via the Bering Strait, along with the building of a tunnel complex to connect Kyushu Island in Japan with Pusan, Korea represent key components of the International Peace Highway which…
The Role of Unification Thought and a UN Peace Council in Solving the Problems of the Middle East
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 9, 2008 – Pages 85-118 Organizations founded by Reverend Moon have been involved in a variety of projects in the Middle East over the past four decades. The Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA), News World Communications, the Universal Peace Federation (UPF), Religious Youth Services (RYS), and Service for Peace (SFP)…
A Reflection on Unification Thought, Evil, and Theodicy
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 4, 2001-2002 – Pages 73-86 The question of evil’s origin remains a fundamental philosophical dilemma. Along with Exposition of the Divine Principle’s chapter on the Human Fall, the Essentials of Unification Thought[1] chapter on history and End of Communism’s analysis of Alienation[2] offer especially profound insight into the nature and…
Endowed with a Sense of History
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 3, 1999-2000 – Pages 85-100 “Communism, begun in 1917, could maintain itself approximately 60 years and reach its peak. So 1978 is the borderline and afterward communism will decline; in the 70th year it will be altogether ruined. This is true. Therefore now is the time for people who are…
Rush to History: A Notable Omission in Postmortem Literature on the Cold War
Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 1, 1997 – Pages 1-22 In two dizzying years the world witnessed the epic dissolution of the Soviet empire, beginning with Solidarity’s victory in Poland on June 4, 1989, punctuated by the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989 and culminating with the implosion of the Soviet Union…