
  • Comment by Jonathan Wells

    Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 15, 2014 – Pages 153-155 View: David Burton’s article Evolution and Unification Thought: an Alternative Approach and Burton’s response to this comment. David Burton’s article, “Evolution and Unification Thought: an Alternative Approach,” references me by name, so the editors have kindly offered me an opportunity to respond. In his article,…

  • Evolution and Unification Thought

    Evolution and Unification Thought

    Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 12, 2011 – Pages 115-142 Parts of this article are excerpted from Jonathan Wells’ 2008 book Evolution and Unification Thought. Evolution has many meanings, and it is important to distinguish them from each other. For example: Evolution can mean simply change over time. The present is different from the past.…

  • Theological Witch-Hunt: The NCC Critique of the Unification Church

    Journal of Unification Studies Vol. 1, 1997 – Pages 23-42 On June 21, 1977, the Commission on Faith and Order of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. (the NCC) released to the press and other interested persons a “Critique of the Theology of the Unification Church as Set Forth in Divine…